Prerequisites. Before you begin the ARRL EC-001 course you should have completed the IS-100 and IS-700 FEMA courses. These courses provide a foundation for the content of this course.
- ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Level 1/ Basic (EC-001)
- Skywarn Training
And the following Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) courses: ·
- IS-100.b/ ICS-100 Introduction to Incident Command System ·
- IS-200.b- ICS-200 for Single Incidents and Initial Action Incidents ·
- IS-700.b NIMS: An Introduction
- IS-800.b National Response Framework
Throughout this course you will find additional FEMA courses that are referenced as preparation for topics within the course. The additional courses required are within the FEMA Professional Development Series, which includes the following:
- IS-120.c An Introduction to Exercises
- IS-230.d Fundamentals of Emergency Management
- IS-235.c Emergency Planning
- IS-240.b Leadership & Influence ·
- IS-241.b Decision Making & Problem Solving
- IS-242.b Effective Communication
- IS-244.b Developing and Managing Volunteers
IS-288.a The Role of Voluntary Organizations in Emergency Management