Emergency Communications for
Neighborhood Groups

A neighborhood watch program is a group of people living in the same area who want to make their neighborhood safer by working together and in conjunction with local law enforcement to reduce crime and improve their quality of life.

Check out the National Neighborhood Watch website.

The NWA EmComm Group would like to assist your Neighborhood Watch group to achieve your goals for Emergency Communications in times of need. If you would like to know more please contact us, Just Click This Button.

Emergency Communications empowers your group to involve and educate individuals about simple steps one can take to become more prepared. Forty-six percent of individuals expect to rely a great deal on people in their neighborhood for assistance within the first 72 hours after a disaster.

In a serious emergency power is interrupted, landline telephones are often affected and even cell phones become unreliable due to central computer outage, damaged antennas and/or over usage by the populace. Time is of the essence and good communications within the neighborhood are likely to save lives and preserve property.

So what is the answer for emergency communications for neighborhood groups?

The answer for most Neighborhood Groups becomes two-way Family Radio Service . . .
a good option for Neighborhood Emergency Communications (inexpensive walkie-talkies).

The FRS (Family Radio Service) & GMRS (Ground Mobile Radio Service) radios typically have
22 separate channels. Each Neighborhood Group has two designated frequencies (primary and backup). Group members are equipped with a simple FRS radio because they only have the need to communicate within their Neighborhood with each other and their group leader usually over distances of less than a mile. The Group leader is equipped and responsible for communications with resources outside of the neighborhood.

The NWA EmComm Group would like to assist your Neighborhood Watch group to achieve your goals for Emergency Communications in times of need. If you would like to know more please contact us, Just Click This Button.

A General Mobile Radio Service Cooperative sharing repeaters and resources among GMRS licensees across Arkansas! Tour around our website and learn how GMRS can help you and your family, both in every day life and even emergencies! Click HERE to check them out.